27.05.15/ Day Of Presentation

by Thursday, May 28, 2015 0 comments

The day we had all waited for!

The day started with a meeting in our faculty's buiding.

After the break our teachers were looking at our works. Waiting them was a torture.

While we were waiting for them:

I was sitting with Seyda in the bigger part:)

Our poster for presentation:

Our teachers (I forgot to take their pictures during our presentation, so these are some photos while they were looking other works):

They made comments about our work. Here are some of them:

- They did like a lot how a lot we have passed from maiden form of quadror.
- Project has just horizontal direction of fold. It could have direction in two ways.
- Needles can cause danger to children and others, who pass by our project.
- Using more basic forms could give more stability.
- We should think more about project's location depending on paves. Project would be seen more from there.
- Project should stay more away from the tree to not look like it can not stand alone by itself.

 To sum up, I think they did like our work:) So we are hoping for a happy end:)

After presentation we were relieved a lot. Finally can go home and have some sleep.



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